Welcome - a few helpful dates...

New Intake August 2024

Welcome - a few helpful dates...
We can't wait to welcome you and your child to our Woodstone family. This is such an important time for both of you so we thought you would find the following information useful...
New Parents' Meeting
Tuesday 14th May - 6pm
This is a really important meeting where we will give you lots of information about your child's transition to school. Please make every effort to attend - we look forward to meeting you!
Stay and Play sessions
We have arranged 3 'Stay and Play' sessions for your child to attend where they will explore the classroom, meet the staff and most importantly, their classmates. The dates of these sessions are:
Monday 10th June
Monday 17th June
Monday 24th June
Please bring your child to school for 1.30pm and collect them at 3.00pm. They do not need to wear school uniform or bring anything with them.
Phased transition in August
Tuesday 27th August - Thursday 29th August - phased admission
am attendance - 8:55am - 12 noon
pm attendance -  1.00pm - 3.00pm
Friday 30th August (as above BUT...) all children need to bring a packed lunch
am attendance children need to be collected at 1pm
pm attendance children need to be brought to school at 12 noon and collected as normal at 3pm. 
ALL children in our Reception Class start school full time on Monday 2nd September (arriving at school between 8:45am and 8:55am and collected at 3:10pm). 
Should you have any questions about any of the above please do not hesitate to contact the school office on 01530 519473 or email wpsoffice1@woodstone.leics.sch.uk