Our Curriculum Vision for PSHE
At Woodstone, we aim to create a happy, purposeful and supportive environment where children are empowered to become successful learners and achieve their full potential. Personal, Social, Health and Economic (PSHE) education underpins our curriculum, enabling children to have the knowledge, understanding, skills and attitudes they need to lead confident, healthy, independent lives and to become informed, active and responsible citizens.
Our framework for PSHE embeds four strands: Healthy Lifestyles, Relationships, Citizenship and Economic Wellbeing, which includes the statutory aspects of the Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) and Health Education guidance. In addition to specific lessons, we strive to provide our children with learning opportunities across and beyond the curriculum including circle time, special school projects, trips and other activities that enrich pupils’ experiences.
We encourage children to reflect on their experiences and understand how they are developing personally and socially, tackling many of the spiritual, moral, social and cultural issues that are part of growing up. They learn to understand and respect our common humanity, diversity and differences so that they can go on to form the effective, fulfilling relationships that are an essential part of life and learning. This is all reinforced through our teaching of the British Values - tolerance of different cultures & religions, democracy, rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect.
Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) and Health Education
As part of our curriculum, we provide RSE and Health education which are statutory elements of the broader PSHE subject. This begins as soon as children arrive in school and continues until the end of secondary school. To promote our partnership in developing children’s knowledge, skills and attitudes relating to RSE and health Education, we write annual letters to parents informing them of the content of the units before we deliver the lessons. We highlight the elements of the units that are statutory and those they can withdraw their child from. 
Character Muscles
This year, we will be giving children the opportunity to nominate their peers for using their character muscles. Each month, we will have an assembly to discuss two character muscles, looking at the definitions and examples together. Children will then look out for their peers displaying these character muscles and will have the opportunity to nominate them for a character award by completing a nomination slip, outlining how they used their character muscles. We will select a winner randomly from the key stage 1 and key stage 2 nomination boxes at the end of the month before introducing two new character muscles. 
Character Champions 
October Focus Character Muscles:
Perseverance and Optimism 
Our Character Champions: 
Freddie (Year 1) and April (Year 5)

November Focus Character Muscles:
Resilience and Gratitude 
Our Character Champions:
Arne (Year 1) and Maisie (Year 6)
December Focus Character Muscles:
Humour and Courage 

Our Character Champions:
Kimberley (Y2) and Rose (Year 3)
January Focus Character Muscles:
Compassion and Problem-Solving 

Our Character Champions:
Erin (Y2) and Macie (Y4)
February Focus Character Muscles:
Self-Esteem and Integrity 
Our Character Champions:
Evan (Y2) and Esmee (Y4)
March Focus Character Muscles:
Self-awareness and Imitation 

Our Character Champions:
Frankie (Y2) and Beatrix (Y4)
April Focus Character Muscles:
Empathy and Co-operation
Our Character Champions: 
Nominations in progress!

Wellbeing at Woodstone! 
We know it is important to look after both our physical and mental wellbeing. 
Check out our wellbeing board that is updated monthly with top tips and strategies to promote our wellbeing. Remember, we are all unique so it is worth exploring them all to find the one that works best for you! 
What's new in PSHE?
Black History Month - October 
Black History Month is celebrated every October in the UK. It gives everyone the opportunity to share, celebrate and understand the impact of black heritage and culture. At Woodstone, each class explored the lives and the significant work and achievements of black people. Our children also enjoyed reading a daily inspirational Black History Month quotes which were displayed in our hall - Please see some photos below.

Character Building Morning - 12th October 
All children enjoyed mixing together with children from other classes in their Key Stages today to participate in our Character Building Morning. This involved teachers planning a fun session designed to develop one or more of our character muscles. It was lovely to see the children all working together and our older children supporting the younger children with the tasks - see photos below
 Tapping Techniques - 6th November 
In school, children have been learning how to tap. Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) tapping may help improve self-esteem, confidence, calmness, concentration, health and wellbeing as well as lower stress and anxiety. Research suggests that when we tap on any of the acupressure points, it sends a signal to the brain that says 'I am safe', which calms the nervous system and helps us to think rationally again.
After Esme Coss (Emotion Wellbeing Coach) delivered some staff training around Tapping, we introduced it to the children by doing a whole school assembly followed by a 10 minute daily tapping session in class. Children can now use tapping for themselves. Whenever they feel upset, frustrated, anxious or distressed in anyway, they can tap on the points they have learned to calm themselves, clear anxiety and boost confidence.
Anti-Bullying Week - 13th-17th November 
This year's Anti-Bullying Week theme is 'Make Some Noise'. We started our week by wearing our odd socks to celebrate our differences that make us unique. In addition to some fun assemblies, all classes completed a piece of work around the theme, encouraging our children to 'Make Some Noise' about bullying - see photos below
Children's Mental Health Week - 5th - 9th February
For Children's Mental Health Week, each class completed a daily 10-15 minute activity to promote their mental health. This included Music Monday (listening to feel good music), Tapping Tuesday (using positive affirmations), Wellbeing Wednesday (exploring breathing techniques), Thoughtful Thursday (mindfulness colouring) and Fitness Friday (walking or dancing). 
NSPCC Assembly and Workshop - 14th February
We participated in the NSPCC’s Speak out. Stay safe. Programme this week. ‘Speak out, Stay safe’ is a programme which aims to help children understand abuse in all its forms and to recognise the signs of abuse. Children are taught to speak out if they are worried, either to a safe adult or Childline. This child friendly programme is aligned with the curriculum and consists of age appropriate virtual assemblies and supporting classroom based activities which were delivered to the whole school, alongside NSPCC volunteer led face to face workshops for children in Year 2, Year 5 and Year 6. The content was delivered in an engaging and interactive way with the help of the NSPCC mascot Buddy. If you would like to know more about the Speak out. Stay safe. programme visit
Character Building Morning - 16th February
We enjoyed another Character Building Morning today! The children participated in lots of fun activities designed to develop their character. It was lovely to hear children talking so positively about the morning and we were pleased to see that many children could identify the character muscles they had been working on - see photos below
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Training - 20th March
Mr Mullins, Miss Daley and Miss Barnes attended training around Equality, Diversity and In
clusion. 'No Outsiders' is a whole school approach which uses assemblies and story books to teach children about all aspects of difference and diversity. These principles are promoted in the Equality Act (2010) and are in line with British Values. We are looking forward to sharing the resources with staff and children soon. 
Character Building Morning - 17th May
We enjoyed our final character building morning of the year today. Children were again given the opportunity to work with children from other classes in their Key Stage. Teachers planned a range of activities to help develop specific character muscles. Another successful morning - please see some more photos below
Useful Websites
A website which enables you to easily speak to a qualified health professional. 
 Childnet works with people around the world making the internet a safe place for children. 
Safety net Kids
A website helping children to stay and feel safe personally, at school, within their community and thinking about their well-being.
Own It
 A new website from the bbc, aimed at 9-12 year olds, covering everything from online privacy and avoiding malware, to dealing with everyday dilemmas children face online.
Miss Kelly Barnes

PSHE Subject Lead

I'm Miss Barnes and I have the pleasure of being the PSHE and Mental Health Lead along with my other roles as the SENCo and Year 2 Class teacher. I feel very passionate about all children receiving a quality and comprehensive PSHE education as I feel it underpins all subject areas. PSHE helps to develop the qualities and attributes that children need to manage opportunities, challenges and responsibilities as they grow up, enabling them to thrive as individuals, family members and members of society. I believe a virtuous cycle can be achieved, whereby pupils with better health and well-being can achieve better academically, which in turn leads to greater success.
I am thoroughly enjoying leading this subject and I am looking forward to further developing our PSHE offer this year.