Year 1 Class News

Phonics Meeting 
Parents were invited into school for a Phonics meeting with Miss Pickering in the cabin. This was followed by a Phonics lesson and a carousel of activities in the classroom. 
World Book Day!
Year 1 enjoyed celebrating World Book Day! We dressed up as our favourite characters, enjoyed sharing books with our parents in the Reading Cafe and had a super time in the woods where we found a hidden 'mystery' book. We also taking part in a 'Book Swap' - we all picked a new book to take home!
4th March - Trip to Tamworth Castle (History)
We had a fantastic day at Tamworth Castle. In our first session we helped to prepare the dining table for the Lord and Lady of the castle. During our second session of the day we learnt about the Castle as a defensive structure and what it took to be a squire/knight in medieval times. During the afternoon we enjoyed exploring the castle further as a class!
Merry Christmas!
25th October - We had a great time practising our P.E. skills at the Multi-sports Festival today! We showed great teamwork, sportsmanship and independence. Well done Year One!